Organise your holiday in a flat in Molveno in the best possible way
On this page you will find some basic information that you can use on your own to better organise your holiday in a flat in Molveno or to solve any unforeseen problems or needs of the moment.
If you prefer to speak directly with a person, visit the Molveno Tourist Information Office in Piazza Marconi 1, in the Town Hall building on the ground floor; the staff are helpful and qualified and will be able to answer your questions.
Info list for a quiet and pleasant holiday...
Going on holiday, whether long or short, is always an exciting time, full of desires and expectations. Places to visit, curiosities to satisfy, hikes or climbs one wants to take, new experiences to try, are all activities that require planning and information gathering to have a fulfilling holiday to frame.
In this collection of information, which is certainly not exhaustive, you will find both telephone numbers and web addresses where you can obtain information on the prices or opening hours of various services such as cableways, pharmacies, taxis, visits to museums and castles in Trentino, garages and, finally, useful numbers for emergencies and first aid.